Apply for a Sports Medical Certificate - Medical Questionnaire
Please fill in the medical questionnaire below and one of our doctors will review the information submitted. Once approved, your medical certificate will be sent to your email address. If we are unable to provide you with a certificate, you will be issued with a full refund. If you need any support, please reach out to us at - you can expect a same-day response.
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Your Details

Full Name
Your certificate will be sent to this email address
Date of Birth
The doctor may call you if further information is required
This information is often asked by European events on their medical form
This information is often asked by European events on their medical form

Your Medical History

Do you smoke?

Have you ever had any of the following conditions?

High Blood Pressure?
Cardiac Arrhythmia?
Heart Attack?
Rheumatic Fever?
Thyroid Disease?
Bleeding Disorders?
Heat Stroke?
Water Intoxication?
Have you had any other medical issues you would like us to know about?
Have you been admitted to hospital for any reason within the past 3 years?
Have you ever been refused a sports medical certificate or health insurance?
Do you have any type of chronic disease?
Have you consulted your GP for anything in the past 3 years?

Heart Health

Do you have any previous history of heart disease?
Is there a history of sudden cardiac death in close relatives (parents, siblings, children) under the age of 50 years?
Have you ever suffered from chest pain or tightness while exercising?
Have you ever suffered from excessive breathlessness or wheeze when exercising?
Have you ever suffered from dizziness at any time?
Have you ever collapsed, fainted or lost consciousness at any time?
Have you ever suffered from palpitations (skipped or excessively fast heart beat) while exercising?

Current Medications

Do you currently take any medication?
Have you ever taken performance enhancing drugs?
Have you ever taken steroids to improve sporting performance?

Training History

Have you trained or are you planning to train adequately to attempt this sporting event?
If you are unsure, please write 'unsure' here
Have you completed any athletic events in the past?

Your Athletic Event

Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 100 files.
If your athletic event has a particular form or certificate that needs signing and stamping, please upload this here. If your sporting event does not have a specific certificate template, we will provide you with our own generic version of a sports medical certificate with our doctors signature and stamp.

Identification Confirmation

Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 100 files.

Anything Else? (Optional)

Please leave blank if you have nothing else to add
Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 100 files.

Terms and Conditions

Upon submitting your application, you acknowledge our Terms and Privacy Policy and consent to the following:

(1) You have comprehended the questions in the questionnaire and answered them honestly.

(2) The requested letter is solely for the individual with the provided name and details.

(3) You are aware that Merlin Health is not a replacement for a doctor's visit, nor is Merlin Health your primary doctor or GP, and healthcare professionals at Merlin Health are unable to access your NHS or regular GP medical records.

(4) You are aware that Merlin Health is unable to process refunds once our doctor has reviewed your request and you've been sent a certificate signed by them.

(5) You are aware that if a third party does not accept or rejects a Merlin Health letter or certificate, for any reason, neither Merlin Health nor our Doctors are responsible for any costs incurred.

(6) The information provided by you is correct and complete at the date it was submitted.

(7) You are aware that any certificate issued by Merlin Health is void if it is later discovered that any information has been falsely disclosed or deliberately withheld. 

(8) You are aware that at Merlin Health, we do not offer a diagnosis, consultation or treatment service. No liability is accepted for any adverse events affecting you or any other party at any point in time.

(9) You agree to absolve both Merlin Health and our doctors of any liability for any adverse events affecting you or any other party at any point in time.

(10) You are aware that this sports medical certificate does not guarantee fitness for an event, but represents the considered opinion of the Doctor with all the information available at the time within the limitations of an online assessment.

(11) You are aware that dynamic studies of cardiac function such as cardiac echocardiography or cardiopulmonary exercise testing provide a much more accurate assessment of cardiovascular fitness, however this type of specialist testing is not required for the medical certification process unless clinically indicated.

(12) You are aware that our certificates are simply intended to satisfy the entry criteria for certain sporting events. They are not a guarantee against adverse events during exercise. They are not an insurance policy. They are not valid as medical indemnity.

Agreement to Terms and Conditions


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Price: £59.00